-Steel for interior design-
Besides the structural function, steel as well provides unique interior scenarios, it's a material with nearly 4,000 years old, dating...
-R A G N O- During the early 1980’s, the automated production technology was introduced, deriving a hand-in-hand sales and marketing...
-O R G A N O I D- Have you ever fantasized with the idea to have a chocolate house? Or to have a wall out of seeds, herbs, spices, moss...
-S O N I T E- Since the third millennium BC., the Mesopotamian s start using the assemblage of small pieces of colored ceramic, stone, or...
-C O R K- After opening a bottle of wine, there were several times that I asked to myself: what can I do with this cork? On the last...
Shigeru Ban
-S H I G E R U B A N- “Architects are not building temporary housing because we are too busy building for the privileged people.”.-...
-K A R A K- A group of designers, artists and architects blending the traditional hand claying Japanese technique of Raku and innovative...
Brush Tile
In our daily basis we use the common brush for tasks such as: cleaning the floor, walls, bathroom, kitchen, etc. However it will never...
Bert & May
-B E R T & M A Y- In order to produce innovative products that actually differentiate from the rest of the ordinary products you need...
Banana Fiber
-B A N A N A F I B E R- On one of my recent trips to the East Coast of Taiwan, I visited the Kavalan tribe in Hualien, one of the...